User experience methodologies made human.

  • Human-Centered Design

    User Experience Design is framed as a focus on the person engaging with a product or service. My UX approach prioritizes the entire journey of the person engaging with an experience and holistically evaluates their history and needs.

  • Research-Driven

    From ideation to solution verifying, research is the center of the design process. I focus on understanding context, personas, engagement in the market, and overall usability throughout design process (and into an iterative product).

  • Scalable

    Design is evolutionary and iterative. Using Agile methodologies combined with Discovery & Framing, products and solutions can fluidly adapt to the ever-changing needs of the people who use them.

User Experience in the everyday life

Experience and how you respond to it is in the everyday - from how you pay your bills to how you consume your favorite tv shows. Sometimes I organize these every thoughts in my blog, “Collecting Experiences.”

Great user experience starts with an appetite to learn.